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I Sold my Soul on MTV

Idiots Savants

1993, 4:04 min.
A. Hintjens / A. Cominnotto

From Europe to America
They sell the same salmonella
Heaven is higher than the tree
I saw myself on MTV

I'm like meat and potatoes
Eggs and bacon, fish and chips
Rock'n'roll, H.P. Sauce
I feel like Pinocchio with broken strings
Heaven is higher than the tree
I saw myself on MTV
Heaven is higher than the tree
I saw myself on MTV

I live by myself
Rattlesnakes have no friend
Green grass gonna grow
Above my head
Heaven is higher than the tree
I saw myself on MTV
Heaven is higher than the tree
I saw myself on MTV

Heaven is higher than the tree
I sold my soul
Heaven is higher than the tree
I sold my soul

Heaven is higher than the tree
I sold my soul on MTV
Heaven is higher than the tree
I sold my soul on MTV

Heaven is higher than the tree
I sold my soul on MTV
Heaven is higher than the tree
I sold my soul on MTV
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