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They never make you laugh


1983, 6:05 min.
Lyrics: A. Hintjens. Music: A. Hintjens / R. Cloet / J.M. Aerts

Micky Mouse, Donald Duck
Be young, être beau
Fait l'amour, pas la vaiselle

They might make you cry
They might make you dance
But they never, never make you laugh
They might make you cry
They might make you dance
But they never, never make you laugh

Space between the letters
Space between the words
Space between you and me
Space between good and evil
Give them the march potatoes
Give the the Bonga la loa
Give them the twist and shout
Un slow ou un rock'n'roll

They might make you cry
They might make you dance
But they never, never make you laugh
They might make you cry
They might make you dance
But they never, never make you laugh

Kommen Sie Bümzen mit mir in die Morgen
Hand in hand voor God, bloed en Vaterland

They might make you cry
They might make you dance
But they never, never make you laugh
They might make you cry
They might make you dance
But they never, never make you laugh
They might make you cry
They might make you dance
But they never, never make you laugh
They might make you cry
They might make you dance
But they never, never make you laugh
This album | Previous Song | ------------ These pages copyright © 1995 by Michel Vuijlsteke