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The team of the De Castro project

Ignace Bossuyt is Professor of Musicology (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). His research focuses on the study of Flemish Polyphony (particularly in the 16th century). He helped to found the Alamire Foundation, International Centre for the Study of Music in the Low Countries (1992) and is the editor of the opera omnia of Jean De Castro. His publications include Alexander Utendal (ca. 1543/45-1581), Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, Brussels, 1983; Adriaan Willaert, ca. 1490-1562. Leven en werk. Stijl en genres, Louvain, 1985; exhibitioncatalogues on Orlandus Lassus, Louvain, 1982, and Antwerp, 1994; Heinrich Schütz, 1585-1672, en de historia, Louvain, 1991, reprint 1993; De Vlaamse Polyfonie, Louvain, 1994 (transl. in English, French, German and Italian). Further fields of interest are: music patronage in the 16th century (including the patronage of Antoine Perrenot De Granvelle); archival research of musical life at collegiate churches and courts in the Southern Netherlands and Northern France; inventarisation of the preserved music manuscripts in Belgium between 1600 and 1850 (project for the international source inventarisation: Répertoire International des Sources Musicales).
E-mail: ignace.bossuyt@arts.kuleuven.ac.be

Bart Demuyt studied guitar, singing, choir direction and chamber music at the Lemmens Institute in Louvain. As a performer he is active in several international ensembles. He co-ordinates music courses for Muziekactief, Centre for Musical Education, Peer.
E-mail: musica@innet.be.

Katrien Derde is a graduate in musicology (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). Since October 1990 she is a member of the editing board of the De Castro project, doing historical research on Jean De Castro. She studied at the Lemmens Institute in Louvain, where she took the degree of "Hoger Diploma" for piano in April 1995.

Frédérique Longrée is a graduate in musicology (Université Libre de Bruxelles). She works for the De Castro project since January 1994, focusing on the relation between text and music. Recently she catalyzed the results of her research in a paper presented at the conference "Les imprimeurs musicaux anversois au XVIe Siecle", Antwerp, August 1995.

Marijke Van Campenhout studied modern history at the Catholic University of Brussels and Louvain.
She is a music manager. Since October 1994 she is part of the editing board of De Castro's opera omnia, where she is responsible for the software support of the music transcriptions and for the layout of the publications.

Henri Vanhulst is Professor of Musicology (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Secretary of the Société belge de Musicologie and co-editor of the Revue belge de Musicologie, he is responsible for the entry of "Belgium" in the new edition of Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. He is the author of Catalogue des Editions de musique polyphonique publiées à Louvain par Pierre Phalèse et ses fils (1545-1578). His fields of research include the study of printed sources and manuscripts between 1500 and 1800, the diffusion and reception of the music and the musical life in the Low Countries.
E-mail: vanhulst@ulb.ac.be

Saskia Willaert is a graduate in musicology (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) and Master in Historical Musicology (King's College, University of London). Since October 1990 she is member of the editing board of the De Castro project, doing historical research on the polyphonist. She is preparing a PhD at King's College (University of London) under the supervision of Dr. Curtis Price on Italian comic opera in London in the second half of the eighteenth century (due January 1996).
E-mail: saskia.willaert@arts.kuleuven.ac.be and willaert@netpoint.be

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